Standard Refrigeration Teflon Seal Gasket for 1-14 Thread, 5/8 Inch ID, 3/4 Inch OD, 1/16 Inch T, PTFE
Standard Refrigeration Teflon Seal Gasket for 3/4-16 Thread, 7/16 Inch ID, 9/16 Inch OD, 1/16 Inch T, PTFE
Copeland 020-0028-00 Teflon Seal Gasket for 1-14 Rotalock Valves and Fittings
Copeland 020-0028-02 Teflon Seal Gasket for 1-1/4-12 Rotalock Valves and Fittings
Standard Refrigeration Teflon Seal Gasket for 1-3/4-12 Thread, 1-3/8 Inch ID, 1-1/2 Inch OD, 1/16 Inch T, PTFE
Copeland 020-0028-03 Teflon Seal Gasket for 1-3/4-12 Rotalock Valves and Fittings
Rotolock® SA Tube Straight Adapter, 3/8 Inch, Sweat x 3/4-16 Female Rotolock Thread, with Teflon Seal
Rotolock® SA Tube Straight Adapter, 7/8 Inch, Sweat x 1-1/4-12 Female Rotolock Thread, with Teflon Seal
Copeland 998-0034-15 Rotalock Adapter, 1/2 Inch Stub Tube, 1-14 Male Rotalock Thread, with Teflon Seal.
Copeland 998-0034-02 Rotalock Adapter, 7/8 Inch Stub Tube, 1-1/4 - 12 Male Rotalock Thread, with Teflon Seal.
Copeland 998-0034-04 Rotalock Adapter, 1-3/8 Inch Stub Tube, 1-3/4 - 12 Male Rotalock Thread, with Teflon Seal.
Copeland 998-0034-06 Rotalock Adapter, 1-5/8 Inch Stub Tube, 2-1/4 - 12 Male Rotalock Thread, with Teflon Seal.